
Beacon Realty Investments Reviews

Almost everyone knows several local real estate agents but selling your Central New Jersey or PA house to a direct cash buyer like Beacon Realty Investments may be a new concept for most. See how we’ve helped other local property owners sell with confidence, for a fair price, on your own schedule without traditional real estate hassles and fees.

Want to share your own experience with us? Send us a note to let us know what working with Beacon Realty Investments has been like for you.

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excellent communicator, and adept at discussing issues effectively and straight to the point.”

I’ve known John for several years and have watched him grow exponentially constantly showing initiative by developing new ways of thinking to improve projects and overall company success. He’s an excellent communicator, and adept at discussing issues effectively and straight to the point.”

- Mark V

South Jersey

“Does what he says, trustworthy and dependable.”

These are a few words about John: John is a real professional. He does what he says, trustworthy and dependable.  John is a very experienced and hardworking man; I can rely on what he tells me. 

- Hashim S

“personable yet professional”

“It was a pleasure working with John Lewis of Beacon Realty Investments. He was prompt, efficient and focused when asked to provide information to complete the purchase of his latest investment property. His expertise is growing as he increases his real estate portfolio! I found him to be personable yet professional.”

- Vera M.

“Easy to work with, and very open to ideas and scenarios regarding each property”

Working with John Lewis is a pleasure. Easy to work with, very open to ideas and scenarios regarding each property. He’s been in the business for a period of time and gets it. Makes good decisions and thinks every deal through! I have worked with him in the past, present and hopefully continue into the future!”

- Adam K.

“…extremely professional and knows his craft”

“I have known John Lewis for approximately five years. He is extremely honest
and a man of great integrity: in other words, his word is good. He is extremely
professional and knows his craft. I always feel confident knowing that John is on
the other side of the transaction.”

- Rick S.